



i https://tw.iherb.com/pr/Dynamic-Health-Laboratories-Healthy-Blend-Superfruit-Supplement-32-fl-oz-946-ml/7100?rcode=DSL372'; }如果你還在考慮Dynamic Health Laboratories, 健康混合劑,超級水果補充劑,32 fl oz (946 ml)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Gluten Free
  • BPA Free
  • Where Health & Flavor Meet
  • Acai
  • Mangosteen
  • Goji
  • Camu
  • Noni
  • Aloe Vera
  • Maqui
  • Liquid Dietary Supplement
  • Healthy Blend
  • Vegetarian
Healthy Blend

Healthy Blend contains a uniquely formulated blend of juices sourced from different regions of the world, to help promote healthy living.

This superfruit juice blend contains:

Goji, which is organically grown near the Himalayan Mountain Region, has been traditionally used as a delicious elixir to promote healthy living.

Mangosteen grown in Southeast Asia, is a natural source of the Xanthone Antioxidant. Its white and juicy flesh tastes great.

Noni, which is organically grown in tropical regions, is a natural source of Proxeroxine and Scopoletin.

Acai organically grown in the Amazon Rain Forest is traditionally used by the native people of the Amazon region to increase energy and stamina.

Camu-Camu grown in the Amazon region may contains 30 田寮巷小額借錢t忠孝一路支票貼現i中華西路2段二胎怎麼辦mes more Vitamin C per serving than an Orange of equal weight.

Maqui grown in the Patagon雙園路1段禮儀費用ia region of South America is considered to have the highest ORAC Value of all the SuperFruits. It is traditionally used to promote healthy living.

Aloe Vera is traditionally used to promote well being.

This nutritious cocktail is a natural source of:

  • Omega-3, 6 & 9, Vitamins, Minerals and Polysaccharides

林尾一街房子可以貸Dynamic Health Laboratories, 健康混合劑,超級水果補充劑,32 fl oz (946 ml)





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